Rabu, 01 April 2009

Bls: [bali-bali] Re: Are we in dipshyaite?

the main problem with my brain is my left brain has nothing right, hence my right brain has nothing left.
tyang ten ngerti dengan pembahasa niki...
sinampura nggih bli gung pindha sane bagus genjing...
minggu depan gumi nusantarane jagi nyoblos eh nyontreng...
mudah-mudahan semua berjalan lancar, aman, tentrem, damai
ngurah beni setiawan
P Save a tree...please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to

Dari: IGusti Agung <agungpindha@yahoo.com>
Kepada: bali-bali@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Rabu, 1 April, 2009 17:22:22
Topik: [bali-bali] Re: Are we in dipshyaite?

naivity = simplicity
simplicity is the best thing in life.
as you pointed correctly ( if i may say so ) , most of Indonesian
population won't be able to feel the turmoil , what ressesion..? ?
Life would be still the same as before and after.
Although they would feel the heat only if the petrol price went up,
that inturn pushing the price of rice and cooking oil.
Then.. only then , they make their own ressesion.

Personaly , i think the ressesion is a good thing ,
just so the upper class people know how does it feel
to struggle to pay the school fee , well... in their case
it's harder to buy those brand spanking new vehicle.

As my family in the village , as was iam in my childhood,
we go to the ricefield and the river to catch some fish and eel,
on the way home we pick fresh leaf and drop a coconut ,
presto..! Bob your cousins... there's diner.

shanti love simplicity.

In bali-bali@yahoogrou ps.com, Diana Darling <dianadarling@ ...> wrote:
> Forgive me for joining the conversation with no competence, but I want to
> vote anyway. In my opinion, of course Indonesia will survive the turmoil.
> Indonesia has a lot of real wealth: besides the natural resources of land &
> sea, it has a population that knows how to live with very little (compared
> to Americans, who can be poor even with lots of material possessions and who
> think work = jobs). The people in Indonesia's large informal sector are
> resourceful and have strong social institutions (even though some of them
> sound a little batty sometimes). Indonesians are growing up politically very
> fast -- they just need to overcome the biggest obstacle to full economic
> maturity, which is corruption. That will surely come.
> Does this sound naive?
> Best wishes,
> Diana
> 2009/3/27 Laraslia <laraslia@.. .>
> > Kalau sy yg disuruh milih, gak ada yg cocok pilihannya Cok. Karena gak
> > ada yang bisa prediksi apa yang terjadi esok. Ahli nujum aja masih bisa
> > mleset. Terlebih lagi, sekarang ini apa yang tampak dipermukaan belum tentu
> > sama dgn kondisi asli nya.
> >
> > Tidak selamanya yang diatas akan bertahan diatas, suatu saat akan jatuh
> > juga.
> >
> > (Hehehe..otak atik ngasal sambil nunggu wangsit dari yang ahlinya)
> >
> > ---- Original message ----
> > From: Cokorda Raka Angga Jananuraga <rakabali78@ ...<rakabali78% 40yahoo.com> >
> >
> > Sent: 27 Mar 2009 01:45 +00:00
> > To: <bali-bali@yahoogrou ps.com <bali-bali%40yahoog roups.com> >
> > Subject: [bali-bali] Are we in dipshyaite?
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Could anybody competent in this field decipher this for me?
> >
> > http://www.indonesi amatters. com/4307/ currency- exchange- rate
> >
> > Simple. My question: is Indonesia going to survive the turmoil, or not?
> >
> > (a) Yes.
> > (b) No.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Raka
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----
 Dikirim menggunakan telepon selular Sony Ericsson
> >
> >

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