From: IGusti Agung <>
Sent: Sunday, 26 April, 2009 9:49:42 PM
Subject: [bali-bali] Re: Flu epidemic di mexico.
Good on ya mate,
what's her /his name ( the baby elephant)?
last time iam with Yani and Tri at Tri new place for Ceki,
please jangan bilang bilang ama pak Mangku.
agree.. act of nature trying to balance the universe,
evolution and selection , stronger survive.
W/end was good , gota catch me own fish for a feed ,
couldn't find any work yet , no movie production.
Having BBQ with Pak Darma Putra in Brissie.
shanti , hi to all the gang.
--- In bali-bali@yahoogrou, "Asana Viebeke Lengkong" <asanasw@... > wrote:
> Next????
> The Nature is evaluating the universe.... jadi yang nggak bisa tahan ya
> punah... kan sudah ber juta juta tahun ceritanya sama... kok repot.
> Gung, aku dari kemarin ama Gung Tri di undang nginep di elephant park ama
> Yani... wah seneng banget deh... main2 dengan gajah kecil yang lahir dibali
> 4 minggu yang lalu, gajah pertama yang lahir di Bali.. jadi besok besok bisa
> bilang Gajah Bali... hehehe
> Wonderful week end... how was yours???
> vieb
> From: bali-bali@yahoogrou [mailto:bali-bali@yahoogrou] On Behalf
> Of IGusti Agung
> Sent: 26 April 2009 17:37
> To: bali-bali@yahoogrou
> Subject: [bali-bali] Flu epidemic di mexico.
> Beritabya di Yahoo... baca sendiri yah..
> Jumat lalu pemerintah Maxico...
> 81 korban jiwa...
> Campuran flu manusia , unggas dan babi..
> shanti, what next??
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